This Addon includes the LESS Stylesheet Parser into REDAXO. This enables you to have CSS compiled from your less files within a REDAXO environment.The Addon includes the lessPHP project ( class. The Version Number of this addon corresponds with the lessPHP class version.
How to use it
This addon is a proof of concept. There might be errors, so take care! Follow these instruction and you shouldn't be harmed:
- Enter an existing folder in the "Folder" Settings field.
- By default, the path to "files" is prefilled. If you enter "files" as a setting, you can easily upload LESS files via the Mediapool
- All files in the specified folder that have an extension of ".less" will be parsed as CSS files. They will be written in the same folder as the source file.
- Caching is activated
If you use the Mediapool and have "files" entered as folder, include the following line in your main HTML template, assuming that you uploaded "yourfile.less":
<link href="<?php echo $REX['HTDOCS_PATH'] ?>files/yourfile.css" rel="stylesheet">Accordingly, if you entered another location as folder, include the following line in your main HTML template, assuming that you entered "layout/css" in the addon settings section:
<link href="<?php echo $REX['HTDOCS_PATH'] ?>layout/css/yourfile.css" rel="stylesheet">
cuka beka
This Addon includes the LESS Stylesheet Parser into REDAXO. It includes the lessPHP project ( class. The Version Number of this addon corresponds with the lessPHP class version.