Warning: mysql_set_charset() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\redaxo\redaxo\include\classes\class.sql.inc.php on line 41
Class SQL 1.1 | Database down. |
Hat Jemand eine Idee, woran es liegen könnte ?
Beste Grüße Udo
Hier der HTML-Quellcode:
Code: Alles auswählen
function db_context_keywords($value_this, $modultyp_id){
global $REX;
$clang = $REX['CUR_CLANG'];
$values_all = array();
$sql = new sql;
$sql->setQuery("SELECT value9 FROM rex_article_slice WHERE modultyp_id='$modultyp_id'");
for ($b = 0; $b < $sql->getRows(); $b++)
$values_all = array_merge($values_all, explode("|", $sql->getValue('value9')));
if ($values_all != ""){$values_all = array_unique($values_all); sort($values_all);}
for ($b=1; $b<sizeof($values_all); $b++)
if(strpos($value_this,$values_all[$b]) === false) $selection .= '<option value="'.$values_all[$b].'">'.$values_all[$b].'</option>';
if ($selection == "") $selection .= '<option disabled="disabled">ALLE verfügbaren Keywords zugeordnet</option>';
$html = '<select name="selection1" style="width:300px; height: 300px;" multiple="multiple">
return $html;
function artikel_context_keywords($value9){
global $REX;
$clang = $REX['CUR_CLANG'];
$value = explode("|", $value9);
if ($value != ""){ $value = array_unique($value); sort($value);}
for ($b=0; $b<sizeof($value); $b++)
$selection .= '<option value="'.$value[$b].'">'.$value[$b].'</option>';
$html = '<select name="selection2" style="width:300px; height: 300px;" multiple="multiple">
return $html;
# imageProcessor Addon 0.3
# code by Dennis Wenger - redaxo@bitpixel.de
# based on Parts of imageResize Addon 0.2
# Features:
# Makes resize of images on the fly, with extra cache of resized images so
# performance loss is extremly small.
# And Branding images with a Logo
# Usage:
# read help.inc.php
# Changelog:
# imageProcessor Addon version 0.3 first release
# imageResize Addon version 0.2 made addon
# imageResize Addon version 0.1 plugin first release
# Roadmap:
# -Pfade auf Sicherheit pr�fen
# -Multilanguage
# -Admin-Frontend machen
$mypage = "image_processor";
$REX['ADDON']['rxid'][$mypage] = "REX_IMAGE_PROCESSOR";
$REX['ADDON']['page'][$mypage] = "$mypage";
$REX['ADDON']['name'][$mypage] = "Image Processor";
$REX['ADDON']['perm'][$mypage] = "image_processor[]";
//Recht f�r alle
$REX['PERM'][] = "image_processor[]";
rex_register_extension('MEDIA_ADDED', 'imageProcessor_auto_resOrig');
rex_register_extension('MEDIA_SYNC', 'imageProcessor_auto_resOrig');
rex_register_extension('MEDIA_UPDATED', 'imageProcessor_auto_resOrig');
function imageProcessor_auto_resOrig($params){
global $REX;
$mypage = "image_processor";
$filename = $params['filename'];
$filepath = $REX['MEDIAFOLDER']."/".$filename;
//Resize Original
if ($REX['ADDON']['settings'][$mypage]['res_orig']['on_off'] &&
$REX['ADDON']['settings'][$mypage]['res_orig']['size'] > 100 &&
$REX['ADDON']['settings'][$mypage]['res_orig']['jpg-quality'] > 50)
$resisize_to = $REX['ADDON']['settings'][$mypage]['res_orig']['size'];
$jpg_quality = $REX['ADDON']['settings'][$mypage]['res_orig']['jpg-quality'];
if (imageProcessor_resOrig($filepath, $resisize_to, $jpg_quality) == "RESIZED"){
clearstatcache ();
// -------------------------------------------------------------- USER AUTH
$FORM['USR'] = false;
$user_id = 0;
$user_name = "";
$error_lang = ($REX['CUR_CLANG']== "0") ? "de" : "en";
$loginpasswort = (strlen($FORM['loginpasswort']) == 32) ? $FORM['loginpasswort'] : md5($FORM['loginpasswort']);
if ($_SESSION['UID']['rexsite'] !="" OR $FORM['loginname'] != "" OR $FORM['logout'] != "") {
$FORM['USER'] = new rex_login();
if ($FORM['LOGOUT'] == 1) {
$FORM['USER']->setUserquery("SELECT *
AND user_status='1'
AND user_typ>'0'");
$FORM['USER']->setLoginquery("SELECT *
WHERE user_login='USR_LOGIN'
AND user_password='USR_PSW'
AND user_status='1'");
if ($FORM['USER']->checkLogin()) {
$FORM['USR'] = true;
$user_id = $FORM['USER']->getValue(TBL_USER.".id");
$user_name = $FORM['USER']->getValue(TBL_USER.".user_name");
$FORM['USR_ID'] = $user_id;
$FORM['USR_TYP'] = $FORM['USER']->getValue(TBL_USER.".user_typ");
if ($this->getValue("article_id") != $REX['SETTINGS']['LOGIN_ARTICLE_ID']){
rex_register_extension('OUTPUT_FILTER', 'replace_login_link');
else {
$FORM['USR'] = false;
$err_msg = $FORM['USER']->message;
$FORM['USR_ID'] = 0;
$FORM['USR_TYP'] = 0;
else {
// nicht eingeloggt und kein login
$FORM['USR_ID'] = 0;
$FORM['USR_TYP'] = 0;
if (!$REX['REDAXO']){
$path_auth = explode("|",$this->getValue("path").$GLOBALS['REX_ARTICLE_ID']);
foreach($path_auth as $cat_auth)
$lev_auth = OOCategory::getCategoryById($cat_auth);
if ($lev_auth->_type_id > 1 && !$FORM['USR'] && $this->getValue("article_id") != $REX['SETTINGS']['LOGIN_ARTICLE_ID']) {
header ('Location: '.rex_getUrl($REX['SETTINGS']['LOGIN_ARTICLE_ID'],$REX['CUR_CLANG'],array('re_id' => $this->getValue("article_id"))));
?><br />
<b>Warning</b>: mysql_set_charset() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean given in <b>C:\xampp\htdocs\redaxo\redaxo\include\classes\class.sql.inc.php</b> on line <b>41</b><br />
<font style='color:red; font-family:verdana,arial; font-size:11px;'>Class SQL 1.1 | Database down. </font>