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CMS recommendation for modular content - REDAXO Forum

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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 18. Jan 2019, 09:29

CMS recommendation for modular content

18. Jan 2019, 09:33


I am looking for a CMS that has modular content creation. What I mean by that: Every page consists of many blocks that are stacked and can be sorted. Typical blocks are gallery, slider, quote, text, Google Map, ...

So the client can simply select what block to add to a page. It is like ACF's Flexible Content for Wordpress. Please no Wordpress recommendations :)

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 18. Jan 2019, 09:29

Re: CMS recommendation for modular content

24. Jan 2019, 14:15

tomjohn77 hat geschrieben:
18. Jan 2019, 09:33

I am looking for a CMS that has modular content creation. What I mean by that: Every page consists of many blocks that are stacked and can be sorted. Typical blocks are gallery, slider, quote, text, Google Map, ...

So the client can simply select what block to add to a page. It is like ACF's Flexible Content for Wordpress. Please no Wordpress recommendations :)

Beiträge: 2508
Registriert: 17. Dez 2004, 00:03
Wohnort: Velbert - LA
Kontaktdaten: Website

Re: CMS recommendation for modular content

24. Jan 2019, 15:27


you can stop looking. REDAXO is exactly what you are looking for.
It's best to come to our slack channel. There is also a channel for English speaking people.


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